Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Adventure Begins

Day 1- Uno Dia

Hola a todos! We left on Jan 6th with an intrepid band of explorers..err Tech students. There were 8 of us on the flight from DFW to London Heathrow. As my first time ever to fly internationally, I was amazed by how many people could fit on an airplane. Being on a British flight is TOTALLY different than being on an American flight…Drinks were free and so were “adult beverages.” To quote Samuel L. Jackson in “Pulp Fiction”…It’s the little differences. For instance you could order a beer and not get carded. Also they passed out mini wine bottles with the meal! The flight itself wasn’t too bad, just super long. My seat mates were Ashlee, a Tech student who is on the Seville study abroad program, and a man from Wylie flying to India. I couldn’t really sleep because of the time change. I don’t know if i’m still in sleep or awake mode, my body is so confused. Heathrow is really confusing and makes DFW look like Lubbock’s airport. In addition to the hustle and bustle of Heathrow, the weather was typically English, cold, dreary, and rainy, sort of like the flights attendants that waited on us.

On the second leg of the flight , I say by Ashlee again and a girl from Penn State. In front of me was a girl from the University of New Hampshire. There are kids from everywhere. From a small world standpoint, there was girl who flew from London to Madrid who was from Dallas and we had friends in common. So you’re probably thinking wow this has gone really smoothly.

We wait, wait, and wait some more. Our bags never arrive and we are stuck in the airport for almost 3 hours waiting on lost luggage. We spend those hours bantering back and forth in English and broken Spanish trying to find out where the heck our stuff is. Good news it will be sent to Sevilla sometime in the next day or so.

The Madrid Airport is actually outside of Madrid and the airport is really modern and an architectural beauty. The city of Madrid is clustered in pockets and spread out much like Dallas. The landscape of flying into Madrid was much like Texas. Rolling hills, grasslands, mountains. It reminds me of home in a weird way.

That’s all I have as I write this from the AVE, high speed train to Sevilla which takes 2 and a half hours.

Be good and be safe.

Adios mis amigos,

Hasta luego!
