Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year y Feliz Ano Nuevo

I wish the world was flat like the old days
Then i could travel just by folding a map
No more airplanes, or speedtrains, or freeways
There'd be no distance that can hold us back.

So this is the New Year
- Death Cab For Cutie, The New Year

Happy New Year to everyone! One week until I leave for Spain. At this time next week, I will just have arrived in Seville at my hotel with the rest of the study abroad students. I don't feel nervous at all about going, in fact I feel quite calm.

I'm more excited than anything else at this moment in time. I believe it's the prospect of going over to a country that I have never been before, speaking a language that I don't really use except at random times, and experiencing and living in a European culture for five whole months. The first leg of my journey takes me from DFW to London and the second leg takes me from London to Madrid and to Sevilla via train. The blog officially starts when I post in England during my layover hopefully.

I would leave you with New Year resolutions, but I don't keep them very well. So I will leave you all with my well wishes for 2009 and good luck for the upcoming semester at Texas Tech and everyone else's colleges.

Be safe and be kind to all.

Until next time...

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